Friday, June 8, 2018

Don't watch the clock

As a home-school mom, I've learned (the hard way) that if I give my children a specific amount of time that they need to maintain focus on a project (ie "you can be done at 2 o'clock") than the focus of the project no longer becomes about the task at hand, but rather the time in which they have to do it.
That old clock becomes the focal point of their day and the quality of work diminishes as a result.

They will also slow down their efforts closer to "quitting time" because they, instead of wanting to present their best, are counting the minutes until the end of their day.

Image result for clock

If we're not careful; this is the direction we can go in our faith.

Let me explain... 

The media is an organism with a great deal of power. It has dramatic affects on our psyche without us even knowing it. It get's it's biggest reactions and ratings from promoting negativity. 

As Christians, we review this negativity and rather than see it as an opportunity to share a heartfelt prayer and invite God into these situations; we retreat from the world, in fear, thinking "this must be the end! It's time to head for the hills! God is returning!" 

Mark 13:32
"But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father." 

It's so easy to forget that God does not want us to know when he's returning.  He doesn't want us watching the clock! 

He wants us focused on the task at hand; giving our best work until the very last second; rather than slowing down with the expectation of "the end of the day".  We have no excuse for not showing God's love to others through all things. 

Do you realize that while Paul was imprisoned, shackled to the floor; he was writing letters of encouragement to churches and other missionaries?!  He truly never quit.

I don't know if you are in prison, literally or metaphorically, or if your heart is broken, but I love you and  you're not done yet. I encourage you! Don't watch the clock! Keep your heart on your creator and your eyes on the task at hand

Remember, when we focus on the project and we take pride in our work we'll truly have something beautiful to present to our teacher and creator.

Image result for 2 timothy 4-7

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